陕西虹阳国际旅行社有限责任公司 | |
注册时间:2007/5/27 23:50:09 浏览次数:570 | |
联系人: |
职务: | 主管 |
所在地区: | S-陕西西安市 |
详细地址: | 西安市高新技术产业开发区沣惠南路20号 |
邮 编: | 710077 |
企业性质: | 入境接待社 |
法人代表: | 王京阳 |
主要产品: | 西安特色游,探索古建筑已往故事游 |
业务区域: | 西欧,南美,非洲,俄罗斯,北欧,东南亚,澳新,中美,东欧,北美,东南亚,南欧,东南亚 |
企业简介: | 陕西虹阳国旅成立于1994年,是经国家旅游局批准的一家产权明晰、机制创新的股份制国际旅行社。它主要招徕、组织、接待海外游客来华来陕参观游览和国内游客在我国各地的旅游活动;后又获国家旅游局批准,具有经营中国公民出境旅游的资格。还可为海内外客人提供饭店、机车票及旅游用车的预订服务。 陕西虹阳国旅坚持规范经营,注重企业信誉,以诚信和质量赢得市场。在培育开发海内外市场的同时,坚持以人为本,培养造就和引进了一批市场信誉好、工作能力强的经营管理人员、业务营销人员和一支包括特级导游、全国文明导游、高级导游、陕西省明星导游在内的素质高、语种齐全的职业导游队伍。该社业务量持续上升,2006年海外游客年接待量已达50,000余人次,成为陕西省骨干旅行社之一。 陕西虹阳旅游总公司所属的陕西歌舞大剧院所推出的《仿唐乐舞》和美味可口的仿唐宫廷宴、饺子宴等餐饮娱乐项目深受中外游客的欢迎。其下属公司虹阳实业、虹阳国际酒店和虹阳拾捌餐馆的经营状况良好。 陕西虹阳国际旅行社有限责任公司和它所依托的陕西虹阳旅游总公司经济实力雄厚,资金状况良好,具有持续发展能力和很强的抗风险能力。它与民航、铁路、酒店、旅游汽车公司及旅游景区等相关部门有着良好的合作关系,连续六年被陕西省旅游局评为全省旅游行业“创佳评差”最佳单位;被西安市旅游局评为“三优一满意”先进单位。 Shaanxi Sun International Travel Service(known as SITS) was founded in 1994..It is the first private-run international travel limited company of its kind in Xi’an .With a clear and independent property and a flexible mechanism, SITS grown up as a rising star through competitive tourism industry. SITS jointly initiating and operating with Shaanxi Song and Dance Troup, they present the Tang Dynasty Culture Show and the Tang style dinner which are popular among friends from both home and abroad. SITS fully covers the business scope of inbound tour, domestic tour, sales and marketing. ISTS also possesses well –trained salesmen, supreme and advanced tour guides as well as the competent managers who formed the backbone of SITS.The Guide Service Center of SITS has attracted and been staffed by 100 professional tour guides speaking English, Japanese, German, French, Italian, Spanish , Russian,Chinese and offer quality service to tourists from all over the world. With a considerable reception capacity, SITS successfully received and served 40,000 foreign tourists in 2005. Strongly supported by Shaanxi Sun Tourism Group SITS is provided with powerful financial strength and potentiality for sustainable development and a high-risk resistant capacity. SITS enjoys high reputation and national identity, it has established long-term and good co-operative relationship with Air Lines, Railways, Tourists Automobile Companies, scenic spots, restaurants and hotels . SITS has been awarded as the best travel agency in Shaanxi province by tourism bureau for 5 years on end. |
联系方式: | 登录系统可见[会员登录] |
电 话: | VIP会员可见 |
传 真: | VIP会员可见 |
手 机: | VIP会员可见 |
商务QQ: | VIP会员可见 |
MSN: | VIP会员可见 |
E-mail: | VIP会员可见 |
企业网址: | VIP会员可见 |