杭州同人国际旅行社有限公司 | |
注册时间:2015/4/2 10:45:30 浏览次数:269 | |
联系人: |
职务: | 总监 |
所在地区: | Z-浙江杭州市 |
详细地址: | 浙江省杭州市下城区华浙广场1号8楼E座 |
企业性质: | 入境接待社 |
主要产品: | 北京西安桂林上海香港游,及所有中国旅游产品 |
业务区域: | 东欧,南欧,西欧,北欧,北美,加勒比海,中美,南美,中东,非洲,澳新,东南亚 |
企业简介: | 杭州同人国际旅行社有限公司是中国华东地区首家全新概念的、以入境为主的网络营销型国际性旅游企业。突破了传统旅行社的运作模式,依托先进的网络技术、严谨的科学管理模型(ERP+CRM)、实现在线支付等便捷功能构建的入境旅游电子商务操作平台。公司旗下设有英语、华语、法语、德语、西班牙语、日语、俄语和阿拉伯语八大语种入境旅游网站。 杭州同人国际旅行社有限公司,以信誉为本,针对每一位海内外华侨、欧美游客的不同需求,打造量身定制的旅游产品,提供专业地中国私人旅游服务、参团拼团特色旅游、全中国各城市的自由行服务、各类单项服务,如酒店预订、机场接送、包车服务、机票、火车票及景点票券预订等等多样化多元素的旅游服务项目。我们全程掌控行程中的每一个细节,为顾客带来完美无忧的中国之旅!? Absolute China Tours International Inc. With over 28 years of experience in the travel industry, Absolute China Tours is not only a fully licensed and registered agency but has also been granted by the China National Tourism Administration. Offering tailor made tours we adhere to absolute service, price and experience and provide families, individuals or groups the absolute travel experience. You can expect us to be there whenever you need us, with professional service and great personal touch. We are, quite simply, the best at what we do. That’s what our clients keep telling us. This human dividend, even more than our technology, is the quality that distinguishes us. We know the travel industry in China, from both the corporate and leisure perspective. We know the products - we take our cue and direction from what our clients tell us about their constantly changing needs. We never, ever stop to develop new and better ways to assist today’s traveler. Whenever we discover a new or better solution to enhance the value of our service, we make that idea a reality. |
联系方式: | 登录系统可见[会员登录] |
电 话: | VIP会员可见 |
传 真: | VIP会员可见 |
手 机: | VIP会员可见 |
商务QQ: | VIP会员可见 |
MSN: | VIP会员可见 |
SKYPE: | VIP会员可见 |
E-mail: | VIP会员可见 |
企业网址: | VIP会员可见 |